Steve Saunders For City Council!

Today’s MindFULL Monday post has a local Denver angle. Sorry dear readers of other cities. It is just too good not to share – our friend, Steve Saunders, is running for City Council!

For more than two decades, we welcomed Steve into our living room as an award winning TV news anchor and reporter.  As a journalist, Steve earned a reputation as a hard working, ethical reporter and anchor that continually pushed for stories of substance over flash and hype.

Steve thought about running for City Council for many years, but the time was never right.

After moving from the television industry in 2009 at the height of the economic downturn, Steve was determined to find a job that utilized his communications skills in a meaningful and purposeful way. Steve joined Adams County School District 50 as Director of Communications and Community Relations.  As a valued member of the Superintendent’s cabinet, he oversees a department and staff that is focused on the most important task of the day: educating children.

And now, luckily for us, the time is right!

Check out his website: and come join Steve as he kicks off this sure to be exciting and meaningFULL campaign.

Thursday, February 3 ● 5:30pm – 7pm
At the Tavern Lowry
7401 E 1st Ave
Denver, CO 80230

Go, Steve, Go! You make a MindFULL difference and we cheer you on!

MeaningFULL Monday

Instead of the usual MindFULL Monday, could we find a way to make today MeaningFULL Monday?

I ask, because you know that feeling when you want to do something really meaningFULL and you realize it is going to take money and time and you aren’t sure how you will find either? How about when you really want to be part of something and someone tells you that you aren’t good enough and then someone else sees your potential and helps you find a way?

Well, in honor of those who see potential in kids and find ways to help them, check out this picture (while it may look like a typical kid’s team pic, it isn’t) and letter I got from Stan last week. I’m sure many of you have heard me refer to Bev and “The Boys” at Bass Pro Shops. Bev, Stan, Sean and John are amongst my all-time favorite clients. Smart, funny and great to work with, these folks always step up to help me with my daughter’s school fundraisers or any conversation someone wants to have with this creative group.

Look at this picture and think of the teams you played on as a kid, and how you remember and still laugh about them. And then, after you are done laughing, read Stan’s note and think about how you might help hit a home-run for a group of kids who wouldn’t even be at bat, if not for the time and dedication this man has given them. I humbly ask, are you part of a company that could underwrite any part? Do you have creative connections that could financially make this trip come true? Do you have kids who are lucky enough to have dedicated adults in their lives and are simply moved to help in some way? If so, let’s  make this Monday meaningFULL and find a way to help this team. I promise, it will change your whole week.

Seven years ago, when we moved to Springfield (MO), I signed my son up for t-ball at the local park board recreational league.  At the time, he was 5 years old.  I was surprised when they told me he could not just sign up and that all of the teams were “organized”.  I asked what that meant and they told me that teams recruited kids and had try outs.  I said, “for five year olds?” and they said, “yes”, but if I agreed to coach, and take all of the kids that did not have a team, that we could play.

I agreed and for many years we only won a game or two a season.  We were the Bad News Bears.  But we tried to teach the kids the fundamentals of the game and we got better.  In seven years we have never had try outs and we have never turned a kid away.  Everyone plays, everyone sits and everyone bats.  Over time, we became more competitive and parents begin asking if their boys could play for us because of how we handled the kids.

Our boys are now 11 to 12 and we still play in the rec league.  Most of the teams we play against are organized travel teams that play over 100 games each year.  Last year we won our Spring League and finished second in the summer leagues and in the final four of the All City Tournament.

This is the last year we will play together, as a few of the boys will have the opportunity to move on to legion ball.  The sad state of youth sports today is that many of these boys will not have an opportunity to play the sport they love after this season.  Their sports experience will be over at twelve years old. Myself and the other coaches are working to give the boys one last memory of baseball and being part of a team.  To this end, we are planning to take them to Cooperstown to stay and play in a tournament for a week in August at the Hall of Fame.

This is where I need your help.  I am working to raise approximately $20,000 to cover the expenses for the trip.  I would greatly appreciate anything anyone can do to help us out. If you wish to make a donation you can send a check to my attention at the following address:

Defender’s Baseball c/o Stan Lippelman 5326 S. Whitmore Ave Springfield, MO. 65810. Thanks for your consideration and for anything you can do to help create a memory that will last a lifetime.

What are some of your MindFULL and MeaningFULL Memories? Let us know!

Game On

While I usually post on Mondays (check in tomorrow for how you can make a difference this week), I had to pop this off to you today. Last week, I wrote about re-purposing clothes (and life). I figured with all  the football games on today, some of you may be looking for something to do with your hands while you watch.

One of my favorite creative musends (a friend who is also a muse), Colette, sent this picture to share with you on the sweater she made for herself (she is the friend who helped me make my sweater and skirt that I showed you last week.) Check out what she did for herself. This was a turtle neck cut “A Symetrical” with a button added. How cute is that!

So, today make it a game to look around and see if anything in your closet could become a new favorite by cutting it up , sewing it differently and adding a little something extra (buttons, felt, ribbons). Not only will you be watching to see who wins a spot at the SuperBowl, you’ll be a winner, too!

What did you find to MindFULLY re-purpose today? Let us know!

MindFULL Repurpose

How many bags of things do you have to give away after last Monday’s posting? Wait! Before you get rid of the clothes you moved to the right, take a peek at how my friends Colette and Susan Kramer inspired me to look at my old clothes with new eyes.

Both women find old clothes, take them apart and put them back together again. Colette finds sweaters at ARC and does it herself at the kitchen counter with a sewing machine. Susan Kramer finds amazing skirts and dresses at Good Will and takes them to the Russian tailor and turns them into show stopping and classy staples (Her secret? Pearls. She wears them every day – either on her ears, or multiple strands around her neck, or on her wrist – but more on the Kramer later).

Yes! You can take that old sweater and make a new one. Cut the granny skirt into a short  skirt you can wear with tights and boots. Lose the bows on the back of the back of a dress and make it into a jumper. All you need s is a needle and thread or a good tailor.

The sweater below is a favorite example. It was a typical black Lands End Cotton sweater. Boring. Colette inspired me to change it up. So, I popped off the buttons, sewed both sides under and ironed them flat. Then with thick thread, I hand-sewed on Felt leaves. Felt anything is easily found at Michaels or Joanne Fabrics. Now, I wear this sweater all the time.

The skirt is from Good Will. $4. It went to the floor. Colette cut it off and sewed it right above my knee. I wear it with tights and my sweater. So cute!


But the crowning glory of my creative repurpose is a black dress I got on the Back Rack at Loehmanns for $10. I looked terrible in it – sleeveless and straight is not a good look for me. But I couldn’t pass it up. So, it hung in my closet til last week, when I saw it through new eyes. I cut off the bows and covered up the leftover threads with a sweater. My favorite scarf, a pair of fun tights and black boots gave it a fresh and contemporary look. I wore it twice this week and am taking it to work on Tuesday. It’s my new uniform.

So, now that you are moving things in your life to the left and MindFULLY beginning to think about what you are moving to the right, ask yourself how you can repurpose what you have. Maybe you look at a sweater, a relationship or a kitchen pitcher with new eyes. The sweater gets bedazzled, the relationship becomes a resource vs a confidant and the pitcher turn into a colorful flower vase.

And be of ease and remember,  if what you are looking at doesn’t fit, no matter what you do, then thank it and pass it on. One person’s Good Will bag is another person’s  ball gown.

What can you MIndFULLY repurpose in your life? Let us know!

To The Right, To The Right

How many New Years’ Resolutions did you make this year? How many revolve around money, fitness, how you look and feel? What if you could touch on making these intentions come to be with one simple action – would you try it? I did.

Last week, I cleaned out my closet and got real about what I was keeping. Too big? Gone. Hiders? Gone. Tired and pilled? Gone. Too tight across anything? Gone. That didn’t leave much. And frankly, what was left still begged the question, “Really?”

So, I took it a step further and moved everything that was hanging to the left side of the bar. I folded all my t-shirts and sweaters and moved them to the left side of the shelf. I folded all my “intimates” and moved them to the left side of the drawer. And then I made a deal with myself. I would pick whatever was first on the left and wear it that day. If I felt good in it, I’d move it to the right. If I didn’t, I’d get rid of it.



One of my friends, who is committed to losing 10 lbs had a great idea. Ya know those few items that you look at everyday and say, “I am going to wear those again”? She suggested hanging them together and tying a colorful ribbon around them. Instead of looking at them and feeling badly because they don’t fit, simply look at them as if they were gift-wrapped with a ribbon and dedicate your fitness goal to wearing one piece by Spring. You get to “cut the ribbon”!

Years ago, I had these beautiful Kenneth Cole sandals. LOVED them. Cute, great price, perfect color. One problem. They scrunched my baby toe. Finally, I knew I had to let them go. So, I walked to the Boston Common, kissed them and thanked them for being awesome and left them next to a garbage can by the Swan Boat line. I knew someone would find them and hopefully, enjoy them. There wasn’t anything wrong with them. They simply didn’t fit anymore. Time to make space for something that fit, TODAY.

My daughter is reminding me of this lesson as she clearly lets go of dancing at a wonderful studio she has loved. The grown-ups are struggling with the decision. She is crystal clear. There is nothing wrong. It just doesn’t fit any more. Why should we force her into it? To learn lessons? Pisha. She already knows. If it doesn’t fit, thank it and let it go.

This year is about staying aware of what fits for me, physically and metaphorically. Clothes, stuff in my home, relationships, ideas. If it doesn’t fit, I pray for the courage to gently move it to the right and trust that I’ll find what does. After all, there’s a whole world to choose from. Someone has to have my size.

What could you MindFULLY move to the right in your closet and life? Let us know!

Care-FULLY Considered

My friend, Sabina, sent this to me, years ago. I  saved it and came across it last night. I was up reflecting on the past year and pondering my longings  to come. The questions below  were part of  the philosophy held by Charles Schultz, the creator of the “Peanuts” comic strip. You don’t have to actually answer the questions. Just read straight through, and you’ll get the point.

1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.

2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.

3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America.

4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.

5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winner for best actor and actress.

6. Name the last decade’s worth of World Series winners.

How did you do?

The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.

Here’s another quiz. See how you do on this one:

1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.

2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.

3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.

4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.

5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.


The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones that care. And have the courage to let you know they care.

Thank you for reading my blog this year and for supporting me in this creative endeavor, thus  showing me how much you care.

How do you MindFULLY show you care about someone? And are you starting the New Year with those who show you?