Supposed To


Supposed To. Two little words that can undo me as fast as stepping on a shoelace and having it unravel.

Memories of my husband standing in the bedroom hallway one morning with a compassionate smile and nailing this sentiment that had me up at 2am, calmed my aching heart. Thinking of his laser keen mind, huge heart and enviable objectiveness, a soft knowing wafted up from my pillow.

You’d think by now, I’d get it. And the good news is that I do. Faster than ever before. But at 2am, time seems to move as slowly as the driver in the left lane.

And when intersected with Holidays, it seems to stop.

So, how did I get it moving again? I got up and reached for the app I happened to install in September, based on Dan Harris’s book, 10% Happier. For two weeks, 5 minutes a day, Dan Harris and Joseph Goldstein teach you how to mediate without stigma, preconceived notions or incense. It was as good a time as any to revisit.

Every year, the Holidays bring something up for me. And every year I uncover one more nugget of insight. My favorite nugget is that “We usually get what we want, it’s just not always in the package we think it is “supposed to” be in.” When I remember this, inevitably something presents itself and shows me that all we are really “supposed to” do is Be Kind, Have Faith and Hold Gratitude.

Not because we are Supposed To. But because we Can.

What will you MindFULLY do this Holiday Season because You Can?

Let us know!