One MindFULL Bite

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

Such was the advice of the gentleman in the seat next to me, enroute to a project somewhere, years ago. His advice, on the heels of sharing how he got to be CEO of his company, made it into my journal.

“One bite at a time” I chanted as I stood in the doorway of my master bath, longing for a new color and knowing that if I wanted it to change, I was going to have to do it myself.


Uch. I love the concept and I hate the execution. Taping, painting, perfecting.

I watch too much HGTV. They make it look so easy. Yet, for someone like me, who loves the big picture, but isn’t as crazy about the details, it’s really hard.

However, I am determined. And I thought about my daughter and all the little sayings we share, when we want to do something and feel overwhelmed. “One bite a time” has moved us through many a challenge.

I find that a saying can remind me of something I know, show me a new way to think about a situation and help me through a tough moment. If you have ever wasted hours clicking through Pinterest, you might notice all the sayings posted on the site. I have started a Phrase Board. I thought I’d share some of my favorites with you. After all, “Choose Joy” is something we could all do well to remember.

  • When odds are one in a million, BE that ONE.
  • People may not always tell you how they feel about you, but they will always show you.   Pay attention. (Similar to my friend Barb’s favorite saying, “People tell you who they are. Listen.”)
  • Sometimes walking away has nothing to do with weakness, and everything to do with strength. We walk away not because we want others to realize our worth and value, but because we finally realize our own.
  • Judging a person dose not define who they are…it defines who you are (And vice versa)
  • Swearing…because sometimes “gosh darn” and “meanie head” just don’t cover it.
  • Chin up, beautiful. Your mistakes do not define failure. They define your efforts. Even if you’ve stumbled, just take a step forward and keep moving on towards your goal.
  • View challenging people as your assignment. Ask yourself: What is this person meant to teach me? Every person in our lives has a lesson to teach. Some lessons include: To become stronger. To be more communicative. To trust your intuition. To be more self loving. To know when to let go. To be nothing like this person. To see a part of ourselves we hate to admit, or need to admire.
  • Don’t raise your voice. Improve your argument.
  • Some things fall part so other things can fall together
  • If things aren’t working out, turn 180 degrees and move toward what you want (thanks, Ellen!)
  • You don’t drive your car looking in the rear view mirror. Why should you live your life looking backwards?

 What MindFULL saying do you use to move through life? Let us know!

Enriching Minds Want To Know

At the beginning of the year, I decided to create a year long theme vs making resolutions that I was bound to break by month’s end. It seems a theme is easier to use as rails for evaluating interest. Resolutions are hard and fast.

My theme for 2012 is Enrichment. 

Having just cleared my plate of most everything that has kept me “busy” for the last few years (Boards, moving, renovating, Bat Mitzvah planning and school participation), I find myself with the freedom to choose what’s next.  I need to refuel. Ya know, fill up the old gas tank. It has been running for miles and desperately needs fresh oil and some detailing. It’s been a long road.

I don’t want to do just anything. I want to MindFULLY add in activities. However, being MindFULL about “next” takes time and it can’t come being isolated in the house during cold winter days.

Or can it?

Lucky for me there are many sources for inspiration. Today I am listing two (and one I look forward to) and as the weeks go on, will share more.

1.  TED. Ted is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. There are videos galore with amazing people and topics to educate and delight. A video a day, helps keep inertia away!

2. Pinterest. Here is a site where I can spend hours just looking at ideas. Pinterest is a virtual worldwide bulletin board. You go on and set up your own boards (categories) and then scour (follow) the boards of others and “repin” what you find onto your own boards. I have home, food, party ideas, fashion , great sayings, books and music on mine. And I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface.

3. Coming Soon: MIT classes, for FREE, on line!

Wow. Classes at MIT, for FREE? Its not just a school for engineering types. There are so many wonderful departments (art, psychology the world famous Media Lab). Who knew?

If you know of other sites that delight and inspire, please share! Afterall, how can we MindFULLY fill our minds with new ideas if we keep on doing what we’ve always done?

What sites do you like for MindFULL Enrichment? Let us know!