Bits And Pieces

Have you ever been sitting around a table with your  friends and really looked at them and wondered, “who are these people and how did I get here?”  As I laughingly asked myself that question the other night,  I thought of an old poem that I used to have tacked to my bulletin board. When I got home,  I dug it out and re-read it,  remembering what I  liked about it. May it have relevance for you and bring you ease as you reflect on the people in your life today and on days gone by. Have faith, that no matter how easy or difficult a relationship, it has something to teach you. Take the lesson and be grateful. And never wonder and never regret…

Bits and Pieces

People cross your life, touch it with love and carelessness and move on. There are people who leave you and you breathe a sigh of relief and wonder why you ever came in contact with them.  There are people who leave and you breathe a sigh of remorse and wonder why they had to go away and leave such a gaping hole. Children leave parents, friends leave friends, acquaintances move on. People change houses, people grow apart, enemies hate and move on. You think of the many who have moved into your hazy memory. You look upon present people and wonder. I believe in G-d’s master plan in life. He moves people in and out of each others lives and each leaves a mark. You find you are made up of bits and pieces of all who ever touched your life and you are more because of this  and you would be less if they had not touched you. Pray that you accept the bits and pieces with humility and wonder, and never question and never regret. Bits and pieces…bits and pieces.

_Lois Cheney, G-d Is  No Fool

How do you MindFULLY accept your bits and pieces? Let us know!

MindFULLY Fly Fishing

What happens when you say “never”? You can just about count on it coming to be. Yup. I could write for days on all the things I thought I’d never say, do or be — and all the things I have said, done and achieved.

And that’s why I am writing about Fly Fishing.

One of my favorite clients is the Bass Pro Shops (  Who’d have guessed? 5 years ago, I was recommended to them as a focus group moderator. I did some groups for them, they asked if I could travel and here we are,  still collecting funny stories.  I’ve heard things, been places and learned more about the outdoor world than I could have imagined. And you know what? While I am not lining up to go hunting or camping (unless it is for one night, by a car, with my friend Colette), I do have an new appreciation for the outdoors and hope to own a boat one day.

With my new found appreciation for the outdoors, I found conversation came easily with the nice guy at UPS last week. Turns out he is a professional fly fishing guide. His name is Chris Galvin and he leads guided fishing trips, offers instruction and custom ties flies. His  work at UPS affords him time off for the sport he loves. I was struck by his life balance. Finding work he enjoys to support his passion. Hmmm, now that is something to think about.

So, if you are ever considering a fly fishing expedition, check out Bass Pro Shops for your gear and then get in touch with Chris at You never know what life balance you might strike out there one day.

How do you mindFULLY balance your work and passion? Let us know!


Who is that woman in the mirror looking back at me? There is no excuse not to be in shape these days, although clearly, I have found several. Nonetheless, when my head is on straight and my eye is on the prize, I remember several folks who have ways that make it easier to stick to the vision.

The first is a program that serves folks who are, well… “after forty”.  Armed with insight about why we do what we do, Mary Coussons-Read, PhD, Professor of Psychology and an amazing life coach, is now coaching folks to use their minds AND their bodies.  In addition to life coaching, Mary is working with Beachbody, an MLM opportunity that offers reasonably priced, highly effective home fitness programs and products to help you get where you want to go with your weight and fitness in your own home. Not only can you get yourself in shape, you can also learn how to become a Beachbody coach and get your finances in shape, as well. Imagine learning how to be your own boss and reach your financial and fitness goals!

To learn more about what Mary is doing, check out

Let’s say that you not only want to look good, but you are looking for a proven solution to elevate your tennis game. Trainer and fitness expert Howie Waldstreicher has developed Half Hour Power, a DVD that features multiple exercise routines and workouts with Melanie Oudin or the Bryan brothers. Specifically created to help tennis players develop the kind of strength and stamina required of today’s game, Howie uses power bands and a 30-minute routine to deliver multi-directional total body movements, high-intensity resistance training intervals, isometric core stabilization and core reactive training.

To learn more about what Howie is doing, check out

For those of you who live in Denver and are looking for a hands-on and mindFULLY encouraging  workout experience, check out Energy Balance Inc. Once a week, I share the talent and spirit of David Jacobs, Energy Balance’s brains and brawn, with my girlfriend, Ellen. We laugh, sweat and stretch our way toward feeling AND looking better. No more Hadassah arms, or lower back pain,  for us! David’s approach to helping us attain our goals is based on principles and concepts of function (gravity, ground-reaction, momentum, three-dimensions, eccentric muscle loading, subconscious based movement). From these concepts, he creates a workout that allows us to be successful and move towards, and beyond, our current goals. We can see AND feel the difference.

To learn more about what David is doing, check out

How are you MindFULLY working out this summer? Let us know!

New Friends, Old Souls

Months ago, our friend Kim took a vacation. Most folks might take time for themselves and head to a beach or quiet resort. But not Kim. Her zest for life and travel took her to Ethiopia. And there, this amazing woman, who cares for twins and a 5 year old, not to mention aging parents and a community, fell in love with the work of Rick Hodes and the face of a young boy, named Akewak.

For those of you who have never heard of Rick Hodes, you can watch his moving story on HBO Making The Crooked Straight or click through the link below.

As an Orthodox Jewish Doctor from Long Island, Rick has made it his mission to help the children of Ethiopia stand tall. His story is moving. And Kim’s ability to hold space for yet another person is stirring. Returning from her trip to Mother’s Theresa’s orphanage, where Rick works, Kim announced that she would be hosting 14 year old Akewak, scheduled in CO for  heart and lung surgery.  Akewak would then convalesce at Kim’s house til he was strong enough to fly home. Spine surgery was still up in the air.

My daughter and I decided that getting to know Akewak would allow us the chance to help make his stay here easier. Close in age, the two became fast friends. Teaching her how to speak Ethiopian, she quickly clucked her “k’s. They chatted away (his English quite good), colored and put together puzzles. We took Akewak to a market we knew of for his native bread, Injera and introduced him to a young boy’s best friend, Nintendo.

On Tuesday, Awewak had his surgery and all went well. On Saturday, we went to visit him. With a carnival in the lobby of the children’s hospital, my daughter and Akewak played games and colored as if they were simply two friends in the basement of any home. There they were in a hospital lobby, separated by experience, yet soulfully connected.

We’re not sure how long Akewak will be here. What we do know is that in a short amount of time, he has touched our lives and transported us out of our little world. How lucky are we to sit next to this child who is thousands of miles away from his family, enduring surgery that one can’t fathom and allowing us to call him friend. We are blessed in so many ways. And with Akewak and Kim, have come to find that anyone can become a new friend. All it takes is recognizing each others’ old souls.

How do you MindFULLy recognize new friends and old souls? Let us know!