Collage Stories in 2 & 3 dimensions

A few weeks ago I posted an episode on MindFULL conversations about Finding Pieces and Making Something Fun, an interactive Zoom class with Judith Cassel-Mamet that takes the bits and pieces of pictures, notes and trinkets you might have inherited, kept or found and shows you how to turn it into something that delights. I wanted to put it back out into the world, now that the month of January is here (the class is happening on Friday, January 27). And… I got a great and thoughtful email for the class that is loaded with helpful and easy instructions! I think Judith is the consumate teacher and I am eagerly collecting my own pics, notes and papers. Join Us! I always learn something new from Judith that makes my world better – and I suspect you will, too.

You can re-listen to the epsiode here. And check out this link to go straight to Judith’s website where you can sign up. I trust you will find all sorts of information and inspiration!

See you at class.

HeartFULL Gratitude

Robin Glickstein. January 13, 2020. Photo by Ellen Jaskol.

I wanted to take this MindFULL Moment to express my gratitude to each and every one of you for listening to MindFULL conversations. What a year it has been and I could not have done this without you! You have given me good cheer and space to try and learn, and fail, and try again. My heart is so FULL. Thank you! I wish you all a few weeks of moments that lighten your hearts and fill your minds with words, music, books, stories and memories. We’ll be back in January to share what filled our minds and look forward to continuing our MindFULL conversations.

Listen to A MindFULL Musing of Gratitude here

xo, Robin

Getting Help with Aging Parents

When you’re 5, you think your Mom is gonna be your Mom just like this picture, for your whole life. And then, BOOM, you’re 60 and your Mom is no longer the age she was in the picture.

What do you do? How do you care ABOUT her and not FOR her. There’s a loving difference and that is what today’s MindFULL conversation with Maggie Miller is all about.

When your parents begin to age, you get a job you didn’t apply for and knowing how to navigate is where Maggie can help – she coaches adult children of aging parents. So check out our MindFULL conversation and get the help you can have, so you can be the best help to the ones you love.

You can find our conversation here. Then let us know what you learned! And make sure and check out Maggie’s website here so she can help you learn even more.

My Row of Ducks

So it has been with audio editing. I have been learning a new software, and it is a bit slow going for reasons beyond my control. Ahhh..beyond my control. Life lessons. Again.

As such, I’ve been doing the best I can and this week with MindFULL conversations, I am posting my last round of MindFULL Musings. Today’s episode is on favorite podcasts that hold thoughtful knowings for this week of gatherings. Tomorrow’s episode is on music and playlists to bring a new score to the background of the week. Wednesday is about a movie I saw a few Thanksgivings ago, called Joy, that still holds some allure. Thursday has Gentle Reminders for navigating life and Friday ends with a few thoughts on Courageous Conversations.

So, as you gather your ducks and put them in a row for the Holiday season, I hope you’ll find a MindFULL Musing that helps lighten your load.

Happy Holidays everyone.

You can find MindFULL conversations here. Please give a listen, and if you like what you hear, rate, review and share with a friend. Let’s mindfully fill each others’ minds!

MindFULL Musings – Week 2

Well, I made it through the first week of NaPodPoMo, National Podcasters Promotion Month’s November Challenge! Now, I’m on to the second! My challenge is 5 episodes per week for the month of November. That’s alot of episodes, so I have been thinking of ways to frame the challenge so I can stretch, and still reach. I came up with MindFULL Musings – they are mini episodes between 5-10 mins long.

This week’s MindFULL Musings riff off of full length MindFull conversations. I share a story I wrote about my hair for Nancy Sharp’s Guided Autobiography class (Nancy’s MindFULL conversation episode here), I ask Addie to clarify what the heck an NFT is (Addie’s MindFULL conversation episode here), I chat with a stranger I see every day in the park (Strangers on A Plane MindFULL conversation episode here), I get travel packing tips from my friend, Ricki (Inspired by What the Borscht? from Ukraine, my MindFULL conversation with John Yackus here) and I ponder Imposter Syndrome (Cause Mrs. Abramovitz, who is so who she wonderfully is, delighted me. Mrs. Abramovitz’s MindFULL conversation is here).

All episodes continue to challenge my podcasting skills. I am keeping with it though. For as THEY say, (I just heard THEY are a bunch of old Jewish men sitting around a Deli table in Brooklyn) “ya gotta spend an hour a day pursuing your goal”. OK, that’s really from Earl Nightengale. Nontheless, I am doing it.

And… Special Thanks to Judith Cassel-Mamet for teaching me the trick of “clicking here” to a link. Learn more about Judith’s work, here.

Thanks for listening! You can find all of my MindFULL conversations here.

MindFULL Musings all November

Remember the old joke where a tourist is walking in NYC and asks an old man, “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?” He answers, “Pratice. Practice. Practice.”

Well, that’s kind of how I feel when it comes to audio editing. It’s a challenge. So, for the last month, I’ve sat on the fence when the challenge to not only learn to edit, but to upload an episode EVERYDAY for the month of November was posed. The November challenge is called NAPODPOMO (National Podcast Promotion Month). I decided that every day was too much, but instead of uploading an epside 2x a month on MindFULL Mondays, I would stretch myself and set a goal of 5/week – 5 minutes of MindFULL Musings, covering a range of things that fill my mind.

Once again, I strive to learn another piece of editing software. I won’t go into my opinion here about how it’s going, but suffice to say, I’ve learned more than how to edit. Patience, Letting Go, Projection and zipping my lips. I am focusing on what I can do and trusting that it will get easier as the month rolls on.

So, please consider following me and listening. I’d love your feedback. I am learning. And as we all know, we learn better with practice – and with love. At least that is one of the things I’ve learned so far this month.

Here’s a link to Apple podcasts:

And here’s a general link if you listen on Spotify, Sticher or Google. You can also listen directly on this platform:

What are you MindFULLy practicing? How’s it going? Let us know!

Finding Peace, One Piece at a Time

Join us for Part 2 of MindFULL conversations with Rachel Kodanaz, author of Living with Loss One Day at a Time as we move along the spectrum to talk about Rachel’s second book, Finding Peace, One Piece at a Time. In this episode, Rachel talks to us about being a family member charged with the responsibility of dealing with the possessions of a loved one who has passed, or helping folks right-size or down-size. With her can-do compassionate attitude, Rachel shares real world practical’ advice, instruction and insight. She helps us reframe cleaning to clearing, and actually leaves us with a MindFULL approach to a task we all face, with curiosity and peace.

You can find out more about Rachel and her work at

Listen to here! You can use this link to click through to Apple, Spotify or Stitcher.

Living With Loss

At some point, all of us are touched by loss. There is no escaping it, but there is help dealing with it. So says my wise friend, Rachel Kodanaz.

Overcoming her own adversity of being widowed at 31 years old with a 2-year-old daughter, Rachel shares her down to earth, insightful, and practical advice for living with loss. As a motivational speaker, author, grief consultant, and facilitator, Rachel tells us what can be helpful.

Rachel has SO much to say that this MindFULL conversation is a two-parter! This week, Rachel talks about living with loss, based on her book, Living With Loss, One Day At A Time. In the second episode (coming Oct 24th), Rachel will talk about Finding Peace, One Piece At A Time and how we can honor the objects that are important and cleanse what may no longer serve.

You can click the link below and head through to Apple podcasts, Sticher or Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.

You can also check out Rachel and her work at

Strangers On A Plane

It is World Podcasting Day! I can’t believe that it is really a thing, but in the spirit of having come this far, I am sharing one of my favorite episodes on this special day.

Backstory: Sometimes I board a flight, pop my earbuds in, look out the window and hope the folks next to me take the hint. However, sometimes the Plane Angels gently lift my chin to smile. So imagine my delight when a few weeks ago, enroute to NYC, I sat next to Sandy and Tien. Who knew my spirit was about to lift as high as the plane.

I had also had another conversation with someone on a flight a few weeks earlier. I live by the philosophy when something happens twice, pay attention. Time to pay attention!

I hope you will tune in and give a listen. Tien is a very, very special man with something to say – and a spirit and attitude we could all be the better for hearing. You can find the episode, Strangers On A Plane here, and then link through to Apple podcasts, Sticher or Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.

Also, please consider subscribing/following MindFULL conversations, and rating and reviewing the espisode if you like it. On this special day, I get extra credit! The more ratings and reviews, the higher they bump me on the platforms, allowing me to keep this day job. Thank you for your support and good cheer!

Mothers, Daughters and NFTS, Oh My…

Much has been written about Mothers and Daughters. It’s a relationship that can go all sorts of ways. Lucky for me, I have a daughter, Adina (aka Addie) and the way its’ gone, has been better than I could have imagined. I was scared to have a girl. Afterall, I am still apologizing to my own mother for some teen/young adult behavior. I expected payback. Instead, I got a kid who got me. She is wicked bright, resourceful, funny, emotionally intelligent and great company.

Growing up, Adina’s interests varied and as she grew, so grew new ideas and perspectives. Today, as a young adult, she lives in another country and is following her current interest: the juxtoposition of art and technology. There is a lot out there these days on cryptocurrency, NFTS and blockchain. Opinions and ideas are as varied as the artists and art that create how art fits into our current understanding.

But who even knows what any of this means? In this week’s episode of MindFULL conversations, join me as Addie and I talk about NFTs, cryptocurrency and blockchain. Hear her patiently explain what this new language means. Then laugh along as we digress into banter. That’s how it goes with us. From the serious to the sublime – it’s what makes the Mother Daughter relationship so special. No one gets us like we get each other.

You can find MindFULL conversations where you get your podcasts, on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Sticher or Google. Or click here and then click through to your favorite podcast site. And if you like what you hear, please take a moment to like, rate and review Us.